Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beer Pong For Kids?

So I was watching the Disney Channel per usual (it's fine because I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a cougar when I grow up), and I came across a commercial for Cuponk. You don't know what that is because you're not down with the kids like me. Let me know explain to you what it is, Cha Cha. Basically, it is an extreme version beer pong sans alcohol (as far as we know). This cup makes noises and flashes lights at you when you get the ball in there. Also, it looks like it comes with a sweet deck of cards.

Why this is remotely cool and why it is being targeted to children and not college students is beyond me. As soon as I saw this, I thought this would be awesome when your all crunked up. With this said,  though I feel like this product/commercial is subliminally promoting underage drinking, I also feel like it's prepping kids for college. Whooo! What do you think?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

MMMMM... Joe Jonas

So, I was perusing the cool haps on the Disney Channel and came across a commercial for JONAS L.A. Now, I'm no cougar, but I will say, Joe Jonas was looking fooooooine. Check him out in their new video for "LA Baby". I got dibs. (Rawr.)